Withernsea High School

Withernsea High School

Inspiring confident young people to thrive in a changing world


  1. News
  2. June 2024
  3. Students commemorate D-Day

Students commemorate D-Day

11 June 2024 (by admin)

Last Thursday, June 6, students at Withernsea High School were given time to reflect upon the bravery and sacrifice of those involved in the Normandy Landings eighty-years ago.

During a whole-school assembly, students were reminded about the significance of D-Day and were given time to pause and remember those who fought for our freedom. This was followed by a reading of The Exhortation by Head of History, and Second in Humanities, Clare Atkin.

Reflecting on the importance of the commemoration, Mrs Atkin said: “It is important we remember D-Day - - a topic which is studied as part of the Year 9 History curriculum - because we owe a debt of gratitude to the tens of thousands of men and women who fought on June 6th, 1944, to start the end of the war.

“It’s not just about the Armed Forces, it is about the members of the French Resistance, the members of British and French intelligence and the countless civilians who stood up for what they believed in and defended democracy. Nazi Germany stood for dictatorship and a loss of rights. The people who fought at Normandy, and in the successive months after D-Day, helped to preserve the right of political suffrage for us and we should always remember them.”  

Representing the school at the town’s official commemorations later the same morning was a group of six students. Laying a wreath at the base of the town’s War Memorial on behalf of the school were Year 7 students Harlow King and Bessie Shearsmith, while Year 10 student Marianne Campbell recited The Exhortation. The group were accompanied the school’s Welfare Coordinator, Paul Whittaker, and Mrs Atkin who added: “Our students were impeccably behaved and were excellent ambassadors for the school. We are very proud of them.”

At lunchtime, the school’s catering team delivered a 1940s-themed menu featuring fish and chips, and ‘floddies’ (potato cakes). While in the day, members of the school’s running club paused for a moment of reflection at Pier Towers during their after school run.

ABOVE: Representing the school at Withernsea’s official commemorations were (Back Row, left to right, Lawrence Smith, Jason Appleby and Christian Horner. Front Row, left to right, Harlow King, Bessie Shearsmith and Marianne Campbell.). Harlow and Bessie laid the wreath on behalf of the school while Marianne read The Exhortation.

ABOVE: Mrs Atkin praised our student representatives saying: “Our students were impeccably behaved and were excellent ambassadors for the school. We are very proud of them.”

ABOVE: Withernsea High School students joined pupils from the neighbouring primary school at the town's official D-Day commemoration. 

ABOVE: Members of the school's running club paused during their after school run to reflect on the day's meaning. 

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