Careers Events
We work closely with our partners (Further Education, Higher Education and apprenticeship providers and employers) to provide a range of bespoke face-to-face and virtual careers events to enhance our students CEIAG provision.
The table below shows the programme of events that is intended to take place in the current academic year.
All events and activities are subject to change and more detailed information and updates will be distributed in school.
Year 7 Autumn Term
- Future Skills Questionnaire
- Talk the Talk Oracy Workshop
- Business Breakfast
- Restart a Heart
Year 7 Spring Term
- National Careers Week
- British Science Week
- National Apprenticeship Week
Year 7 Summer Term
- Enrichment Week
Year 8 Autumn Term
- Future Skills Questionnaire
- For Entrepreneurs Only
Year 8 Spring Term
- National Careers Week
- British Science Week
- National Apprenticeship Week
Year 8 Summer Term
- Enrichment Week
- Steps to Success
Year 9 Autumn Term
- Future Skills Questionnaire
Year 9 Spring Term
- National Careers Week
- British Science Week
- National Apprenticeship Week
- Careers Fair
- Year 9 Options Evening
Year 9 Summer Term
- Enrichment Week
- Hull University ACE Day
Year 10 Autumn Term
- Future Skills Questionnaire
- Work Experience Launch
- Health and Social Care World Cafe Event
- Motivational Speaker
Year 10 Spring Term
- National Careers Week
- British Science Week
- National Apprenticeship Week
Year 10 Summer Term
- Enrichment Week
- Employability Passport
- FE College Taster Days
- Log on Move on Sessions
- Girls Allowed in Engineering
- Work Experience
Year 11 Autumn Term
- Future Skills Questionnaire
- Careers Interview
- Log on Move on
- Motivational Speaker
- Application Support Day
- Interview Skills Day
- Mock Interview Day
Year 11 Spring Term
- National Careers Week
- British Science Week
- National Apprenticeship Week
- Careers Fair
- Time Management Session
Year 11 Summer Term
- Enrichment Week
Careers-related assemblies can be booked and delivered for all years throughout the year during Tutor Time.
In addition, Year 9 students will receive options assemblies delivered by subject leaders.