If you have concerns that a young person has been harmed or is at risk of significant harm, please contact any of the following people:
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mrs C Tomes
01964 611530 (Direct Dial - Includes out-of-hours secure answerphone)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Deputy DSL)
Mr M R Crofts (Headteacher)
01964 613133 (Switchboard)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Deputy DSL)
Mrs R Pindar (Deputy Headteacher)
01964 613133 (Switchboard)
Designated Safeguarding Governor
Mrs C Heaton (Chair of Governors)
External Safeguarding Contacts
In certain circumstances, it may be appropriate to contact the following external contacts:
Early Help and Prevention Team
Safeguarding and Partnership Hub (SaPH)
01482 395500 (Call for advice, consultation and to report immediate concerns)
Local Authority Designated Officer
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Safeguarding in Education - Strategic Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.pdf | Download |